– Because of the high content of fulvic and humic acid the EkoVital® encourages the development of beneficial bacteria in the soil,
– Stimulates the bacteria (nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphorous mineralization bacteria, etc..) whose activity leads to more rapid decomposition of organic matter in soil and humus creation,
– Affects the repair and quality of worn and acidified soil due to excessive use of mineral fertilizers,
– Responsible for a better resistance of the root system of cultivated plants to diseases of microbiological origin
– This product can be mixed with other micro-biological preparations,
– This product can be used in the vegetative stage of growth.

EkoVital® effect on corn stubble field – effects of decomposition after 4 months, Banatsko Selo, Vojvodina, Serbia 2012
Before the primary fertilization in the fall, the soil should be treated with the EkoVital®, including all the stubble crop residue on the field. The recommended amount is 2 liters of EkoVital® per 1 ha of field. In case the field is not fertilized with mineral fertilizer, our recommendation is that in addition to 2 liters of EkoVital® in sprinkler should be added 15 kg of Urea and both should be dissolved in 200-250 liters of water. That amount is for use on the field of 1 ha (10.000 m2)
In case on the field are used mineral fertilizers, scatter them accordingly to the need or demand, sprinkle all with 2 liters of EkoVital® per hectare without the addition of nitrogen (UREA) in the sprinkler. Plow or cultivate in the next 60 days, depending on weather conditions. EkoVital® product does not contain bacteria or micro-organisms, and is not affected by temperatures below 0° C. The EkoVital® stimulates activity of the soil and the decomposition of plant residues and their conversion into humus.
Content :
Organic matter… 21%
Nitrogen (N)……….. 10%
Phosphorus (P) ……….1%
Kalium (K)…….. 4%
The recommended treatment plan for crops (PDF)

Burning of organic residues is not recommended because it will lead to the long-term degradation of arable land features as well soil quality drop!

EkoVital® promotes rapid degradation of organic waste and the creation of humus in arable land.
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